Monday, November 24, 2008

Dealing With Death Of A Loved One

How do you deal with death? How much information should you share with your teen about a loved one's passing? I have just had to deal with this very fact and that's why I haven't been writing for the past week and a half. My mother passed, very unexpected. I had to travel 1300 miles to go and take care of things as I am the oldest and my sister is the only one I have left, except for my dad and stepmom but they couldn't help much. I never knew how many things that have to be done after someone's death. I feel that telling my daughter some of the details were important but not everything. I left her here to go to school but she was in excellent hands. I didn't want her to have to see all the things that I had to do while away. Teens do understand that something has gone wrong but in my daughter's case, she had no idea of all that had to be done or why. She was in her own little "teenaged" land and I felt better that way. I will truley miss my mother and my daughter will miss her grandma so much. How much information do you share with your teen about a loved one's passing?

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