Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Darling Daughter and Christmas Holiday

Now that my teenaged daughter has gone into The Navy, things have definetly changed around longer am I having to wait up at night for my darling daughter to come in late.... no longer do I have to worry about her getting up and leaving for work on time, however, I miss my daughter so very much.!  I now have an empty nest. It is quiet around here. Now I have the worry of a mother worrying over her grown child. Waiting to hear from her and wondering if she's okay in her new life. I am a proud mother. I feel that my daughter was well equipped to enter the adult world. Actually they told her in boot camp that she was very mature for her age and that she would go very far in life because she was very good in the things that she accomplished. You don't know how happy that made me to hear that. We still have her horse, Miss Frenchie, and are trying to keep up with everything while she's gone...but she will get to come home for Christmas and I am so glad about that. This is going to be a very special Christmas indeed.

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