Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Her First Dance......

What are your thoughts about your young teen going to the school dance? How about the Homecoming Dance? This is a question that many of us have to face, when it comes time. Now, some teens just aren't interested in dancing, as in the case of my teen daughter. She had NO interest in even going. Many of her friends are going, but that wasn't what she was going to do. Well, to my astonishment, she came home from school and told me that she had been invited to the Homecoming Dance. Wow, now, she is interested in going. I kind of had butterflies in MY stomach after that, but I have to realize, that this is a school dance. She is growing up, and there will be many chapperones there. You would think that since she is my last of 5 kids, that I would be used to it by now, however, my kids are pretty much all spread apart in age, my oldest being already 32, but I think it's because she is my baby. My last child, and I am of course ancy over the whole thing, but I know that it will be ok. She is a very responsible daughter and knows my rules so I think that I am going to trust her and hope and pray that all goes well. What do you think?

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