Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Daughter's Graduation Suprize...Her Dad Showed Up To Her Graduation

Graduation came and went quickly. I was such a proud mother watching her darling daughter sit anxiously in the seating area, waiting for her name to be called to go up and get the handshake and diploma. It was held outside, so it was humid, hot and extremely packed to the max. I kept looking to see if my ex, her father, would show up to see our daughter walk across the sign of him. ..Then, all of a sudden, he showed up. He didn't come alone, but I was so happy that he decided to come and see her. He walked on the bleachers out in front and since I had told him where she'd be sitting, he stopped right in front of where she was.  She didn't see him at first, until she glanced up at where I was along with her other brothers and sisters and families and we all started to point him out to her. She saw him, and they waved at each other. I honestly wanted to cry, but didn't. I knew that would make her night by him showing up. He stayed only long enough to see her walk, come back to her seated isle, gave us a present that he brought for her, and left. Not long, but just long enough. I was very happy for my daughter, that her dad decided to show up.

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